Certified Instructors
IAIM Singapore Chapter is a legally constituted organization whose primary purpose is to support families or engage in public or private interest activities without commercial or monetary profit. Please get in touch with us for further inquiries. The instructor contact list from A to Z is only for public reference, and all contacts are not permitted for spamming or commercial purposes.
Our members of the certified instructors have completed an International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) intensive instructor training course with specific modules and assessments designed by the Association. Our members maintained good moral character and renewed their membership with the IAIM Singapore chapter bi-yearly.
Our trainee instructor must have attended the four-day international Association of Infant Massage Intensive Instructor training courses. Upon completing the IAIM assignment and practical sessions, A trainee instructor will have the choice of becoming a member of the IAIM Singapore Chapter. We welcome all instructors to join our community. The certified infant massage instructors list has been updated by 24 Jan 2024.
No. Full Mermbership Name Contact No. Email Address
Amy Zhang 90102142 momnbabynet@gmail.com
Angeline Lim Wen Huey 94368845 angelinelwh@gmail.co
Charmaine Chin 97614677 charmaine_chinth@yahoo.com.sg
Chew Kwai Wah 98158283 chewkw123@gmail.com
Claryn Neo 92372334 yangmei_neo@hotmail.com
Chen Liqin 81638039 chen_lq@hotmail.com
Evian Wong 82810531 eviancsg@gmail.com
Fauziah Bte Abbas 92970171 Poja1971@gmail.com
Fiona Chin 97454705 ms.Fiona.chin@gmail.com
Florence Tan Kin Kwee 81804342 kinkweetan@gmail.com
Felicia Yan Shini 93696082 feliciays@yahoo.com.sg
Fonnie Lo 96582960 flwf2000@gmail.com
Felicia Yan Shini 93696082 feliciays@yahoo.com.sg
Gloria Wong 91596155 babymassage@gmail.com
Gina Lee Sihui 94570323 ginalee420@hotmail.com
Hanni Hong 97974880 hannihong@live.com.sg
Ho Yuk Hwa 91275091 ho_yuk_hwa@hotmail.com
Hazlina Bte A Rahman 91553220 huzzy.ourmusicstudio@gmail.com
Helen Ong Bee Hoon 97911068 wangmaywin@yahoo.com
Janet Nah 98622902 janet.nah@gmail.com
Joan Law Bing Bing 98462794 jbing.law@stepsprovidence.com
Jolyn Tan 98334391 utolyn@hotmail.com
Jocelyn Chang 94522253 jocelyn.chang@josiah.com.sg
Jennie Solomon 90683501 jeansol37@gmail.com
Jacqueline Chew 91795355 jacqualine.chew@gmail.com
Jean lee 97509590 touchrus2009@gmail.com
Kang Phaik Gaik Peggy 88201808 kangpg03@gmail.com
Lilac Aw 81573882 lilac349@gmail.com
Lim Meei Ching 97565730 Meeiching@gmail.com
Lim Yan Ping 96450912 Yplim84@yahoo.com
Lim Hwee Xian 82816805 siansianlim@gmail.com
Michelle Go 97676361 michelle.hweeleng.go@gmail.com
Ng Deng Peng 94306958 dpng03@yahoo.com.sg
Nicole Lim 90014409 hellosaysomethingla@gmail.com
Ong Hui Tze 97671687 babymassagewithhuitze@gmail.com
Rita Francis 93882872 faustina7rubey@yahoo.com.sg
Raudhah Mohd Sharifuddin - raudariza@gmail.com
Sarasvathi Kandasamy 96489231 saras0562@gmail.com
Shillina Phua 91809142 shilinapcj@gmail.com
Shirley Kwek 97539623 shirleykwek@gmail.com
Sukiran Hassan 97729706 hassansukiran89@yahoo.com
Sandra Heng 96861720 sandra.heng@josiah.com.sg
Vivian Lim Feng Yu 83684934 vivinoz@gmail.com ​
IAIM Instructor Shop
Dear instructors,
Here are some useful tools for your consideration.
Please note that all items are on a demand basis.
Kindly contact 9010 2142 for more information.